
Fiori di zucchina or zucchini blossoms

This post is an oxymoron. The first of October I couldn't find anything better but zucchini blossom?
When I was in Italy, I used to buy the small emergent zucchini with still the blossoms on it.
I haven't found this flowers very often here, until I started to be a "regular" at the FarmersMarket.
I know, I know.. they are not in season any more, but  the other day I couldn't resist. They had a deep and bright yellow color and the weather was still so warm, it was like summertime! They were calling me, so I got them. There!

The "fiori di zucchina" can be prepared in different ways: stuffed with cheese or dipped in a batter and fried.
And that's how I like them. 
Yesterday, happen that I found this amazing pink Himalayan salt in my pantry to shave on top: delicious combination I would say!

Fiori di zucchina fritti

(for 2 persons human being, you and your cat ;)
12 zucchini flowers with stems
3 tbs all purpose flour
3 tbs rice flour
a pinch of  pink Himalayan salt (regular salt will be just fine)
cold sparkling water (or cold tonic water)
vegetable oil for frying

Pour 2 or 3 inches of oil in a pan and heat it to 375`F.
Combine the all purpose flour, the rice flour and the salt in a bowl.
Add enough sparkling water to make a not too thin batter.
Dip the flowers in the batter and fry them until golden (few sec per side).
Drain the fried flowers on a paper towel and sprinkle a little more salt while they are still hot.
Buon appetito and don't blame me :D


Cuocopersonale said...

wow wow wow...
I'm Matteo, I'm an italian boy...
I have a blog...
Your blog is beautifull...

Cinzia said...

Ciao Matteo!
grazie per i complimenti, corro subito a vedere il tuo blog.

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